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Guest Book

Welcome to #30somethings home site!!
To begain enjoying our family and friends,you will need
a IRC program (Links coming soon), or you may go to Ausnet's website and use the java chat,
find a Austnet server
and log on. After you get login type /join #30somethings and your there :) We will be adding things, so come help us make a better community.

   The Birthday list is up, so we need your help to get it going!
Come add your Nick to the list and make sure you come and join the parties.

There Here:
   At least the Pictures are here and up on the Chatter's and the Staff site,
the infornation on our Ops and Guest's are still in the works.
You still need to get those pictures emailed to us and
the infornation, if any, that you would like to have put on the site!.

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